Intervention Letter Tips & Example

how to write a letter to an alcoholic

We can overcome this challenge together, and our love can become the cornerstone of a brighter future. Your past does not define you; it’s the potential within you that truly matters. Let’s take this journey hand in hand, with hope and love guiding us toward a brighter tomorrow.

Outline a specific example of their substance abuse and how it affected you.

We take a holistic, evidence-based approach to help you heal once and for all. I’m glad to have committed to a healthier, happier future without you. I want to rebuild my relationships with family and friends and pursue exciting new dreams. I am ready to find true peace and be comfortable in my own skin againg. I’m ready leave behind the anxiety and stress that you brought into my life.

Dove Recovery: Personalized, Compassionate Care for Substance Use Disorders

how to write a letter to an alcoholic

However, this focus on the negative can have counterintuitive effects, as shame is a big trigger for relapse. When helping someone get sober from alcohol, try to keep the focus on the future instead of the past. Therapy is a great tool to help someone with substance use disorder unpack their shame in a healthy way. Are you taking part in an intervention for a loved one struggling with addiction? It takes courage and dedication to face someone whose addictive behaviors have caused you pain or concern. An intervention letter may be a great way to get your message across.

how to write a letter to an alcoholic

Connect Your Loved One with Addiction Treatment

Purpose Healing Center has two locations – Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona. This letter marks a final commitment to staying free of alcohol or drugs and shows how thankful one is for their newfound sobriety. Substance use disorder affects not only the person who has it but everyone who loves them.

how to write a letter to an alcoholic

Getting a second opinion is how to write a letter to an alcoholic a great way to ensure your tone and the words you use are appropriate for the situation. If you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. We would stay up all night talking about projects we wanted to start and planning the next big camping trip we would take.

Being under the influence changes who you are, what you think, what you love and what your priorities are. There is a medical treatment available because addiction is a medical disorder. The help you need does exist to allow you to overcome your addiction. The letters that were composed and read by her family were profoundly moving.

  • As we have spelled out in our book, Love First, the chairperson must continue to speak for the group after the letters are read.
  • I’m not writing this letter to criticize or judge you; rather, it’s a testament to how much I care about you.
  • I admit that in the beginning, you did offer me comfort and escape.

how to write a letter to an alcoholic

Be honest about the impact on relationships, health, and overall well-being. Express your concern for their future and emphasize the urgency of seeking treatment. In the next part of the letter, you will repeat your love and concern, and then ask the addict to accept help for the illness. You may be quite specific about this, and may even name the treatment center that you want them to enter. Dad, your alcoholism has been a part of our lives for a very long time. When I call home to check in, if it is too late in the evening, you’re drunk.

However, the ball is now in your court, and your actions will determine the course of our future. I envision a life where we can grow, heal, and thrive together, free from the grip of alcoholism. Our love is strong, and I believe it can withstand anything that comes our way. The information on this website should not be taken as medical advice for any individual case or situation.

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