Coronavirus Guide

Coronavirus Guide

The coronavirus, which is spreading across the US and throughout the world is the same virus that caused SARS. The virus still causes sickness, and some are extremely sick. The best way to stop infection is to get vaccination. You can also stop the spread of infection by implementing healthy habits. This includes ensuring that there is adequate airflow in the home, avoiding social interactions and wearing a face-mask while in public. If you do contract a virus keeping up-to-date on your medication can shield yourself from serious illness as well as hospitalization and even death.

A single SARS CoV-2 virus particle (called a virion) is about 80 nanometers across. It has a protein layer protecting a ball containing DNA that has the genetic code needed to create viruses. A spike protein on the surface of a virus is bound to a receptor in healthy cells. It is typically a protein called ACE2. This allows the virus into the cell. Once inside the cell, it can hijack the host’s protein-making machine to create tens or thousands of copies of itself. These virions leave the cell to virtual data room infect other cells and create more virus.

Infected people can experience symptoms like a fever, sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, and a cough. Some people have more serious symptoms, including the heart and lung issues. The majority of people recover without long-term consequences.

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